The start of the new year is just one day away, do you have your new 2016 calendar ready? If you don’t, head to Costco to save up to 47% off the retail price on 2016 wall calendars and desktop calendars!
This beautiful Washington, DC wall calendar captures images of many of our iconic monuments and memorials.

These gorgeous LANG wall calendars are just $8.99 each at Costco.
Each NoteNook pocket calendar bundle comes with a 12-month wall calendar that has 2 pockets for corralling notes, coupons and more, a set of matching sticky notes and a 2-year planner. Each calendar is only $11.99 at Costco.
Page-A-Day calendars are my favorite! I get this word-a-day desktop calendar every year to try to improve my perspicacity 🙂
Who wouldn’t want to look at an adorable photo of a puppy or a kitten every day!?
For the creative type, check out the Posh Coloring page-a-day calendar the features a new page to color everyday.
The colorful artwork and uplifting quotes from Mary Engelbreit’s page-a-day calendar will brighten your day and your mood.
For the adventure seekers and wanderlusts the 1,000 Places To See Before You Die page-a-day desktop calendar is a must have.
This Keep Calm and Quote Movies page-a-day desktop calendar will keep movie aficionados on their toes.
For a little irreverent (and sometimes not politically correct) humor, check out the someecards page-a-day desktop calendar.
Anyone who has every worked in a office environment can relate to and benefit from Dilbert.
Lastly I found this Washington DC weekly datebook planner. It features a 2-page weekly layout and nifty bonuses like street maps of D.C., information on our three major airports, and a list of attractions & phone numbers. It’s perfect for locals and tourists alike.
Selections vary by location, so let me know if you find other varieties of calendars at your Costcos!
Until next time,
the Costco Connoisseur
P.S. – Selections and prices listed above will vary from different Costco locations.
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