Kosher and Kosher for Passover at Costco!

I did a Passover post a few years ago, (you can read it here) but while visiting several Costcos in Long Island a few weeks ago I came across a smorgasbord of kosher and kosher for Passover items and thought it’s time I put together a new post. 

Kosher for Passover
During Passover Jewish kosher laws become stricter by prohibiting the consumption of leavened or fermented grains in commemoration of their escape from slavery in Egypt. For eight days (or seven days if you happen to be in Israel) Jews do not eat any foods that are leavened or fermented from grain, or that have come into contact with grain.

By now everyone who celebrates Passover is all set for this evening’s Passover Seder, but are you ready for the coming days of keeping kosher for Passover?
Here are a several kosher for Passover items that Costco carries:

A 5lb box of Manischewitz Matzo is $7.99
Holyland Hand Made Shmura Matzo is $14.59 for a 1lb box

Kedem, Non-Alcoholic Sparkling Concord Grape Juice 3-pack is $6.99

100% Pure Concord Grape Juice 2, 96oz bottles for $8.99

Kirkland Signature Fresh Pressed Apple Juice, 2 128oz jugs for $7.99

Vintage Seltzer Water 15-pack of 1 liter bottles for $6.79

Maxwell House Original Roast Coffee, 42.5oz for $6.99

Kosher for Passover Empire Natural Chicken Thighs, Breasts, Drumsticks, Broiler Chickens and TurkeyTenders and Ground Turkey

Empire Kosher Frozen Rock Cornish Broiler Chickens 3-4lbs are just $2.09 per pound

Kosher for Passover Solomons London Broil, Brisket 1st Cut, Ribeye, and Flanken Ribs Boneless Beef

Kosher for Passover Ground Chuck Beef $15.99 for 3 lbs

Meal Mart Fresh Kosher for Passover Kishka is $7.49 for 2 lbs

New York Glatt Kosher Passover Sliced Pastrami and Passover Cooked Corned Beef

Jacks Gourmet Sweet Italian Cured Beef Sausage is $10.99 for 24oz

Golden Taste Tuna Deluxe  $6.99 for 17 oz

Golden Taste Cole Slaw 44oz for $6.49

Golden Taste Marinated Eggplant Salad 32oz for $7.39

Golden Taste Eggplant Babaganush Dip & Spread $6.99 for 24oz

Golden Taste Vegetarian Eggplant Liver $6.69 for 24oz

Golden Taste Beets & Horseradish $4.99 for 24oz

Tnuva Light Edam Cheese Slices 14.11oz for $6.59

Tnuva Feta Cheese $5.99 per pound

Natural & Kosher Shredded Mexican Blend Cheese 2 lbs for $9.59

Natural & Kosher Sliced American Cheese $14.99 for 48 oz

Rokeach Old Vienna Gefilte Fish 64oz jar for $9.59

Do you have a busy schedule with little to no time to cook? Costco has you covered with several fully cooked, kosher-for-Passover side dishes and entrees:

Meal Mart Ready to Serve Gefilte Fish $9.39

Mrs. Schreiber Chopped Chicken Liver $6.99

Meal Mart Oven Roasted Spare Ribs in BBQ Sauce $6.89

Meal Mart Cooked Pot Roast in Natural Beef Gravy $6.99

Meal Mart Oven Roasted Beef Brisket $9.49

Meal Mart Beef Stuffed Cabbage in Sweetened Tomato Sauce $10.59

For those with a sweet tooth, try Haddar kosher for Passover Chocolate Drizzled Coconut Macaroons, 2lbs for $6.99

I also discovered there are many items that are kosher for Passover year round:

Manischewitz Salted Potato Chips Ripple 22oz party size bag for $4.69

Kosher Club Canned Kosher White Chicken in water is $13.79 for 4 10z cans
Season Skinless & Boneless Sardines in pure Olive Oil 6-pack for $9.99
Barton’s Dark Chocolate Creme Mints $9.99
Klein’s Naturals Dark Chocolate Almonds $10.89
Kelein’s Naturals Assorted Fruit & Nut Blend Health Mix $7.99

Klein’s  Delights Sweetened Dried Cranberries

While all of the New York City area Costcos carry some kosher products I discovered the Westbury, Lawrence and Staten Island warehouses have not only the most kosher selection, but have dedicated kosher sections and kosher certified bakeries!



Staten Island


New Rochelle also has a kosher section

Here are some of the other kosher (but not kosher for Passover) items that Costco also carries:

Gabila’s Potato Knishes, $6.99

Kasia’s Cheese Blintzes, $7.99

New York Select Amnon’s Cheese Pizza $15.99

Ungar’s Frozen Gefilte Fish, $9.99

Meal Mart Kosher Breaded Chicken Nugget, 4lbs for $13.49

Macabee Kosher Cheese Pizza Bagels, $10.49

Hebrew National All Beef Kosher Franks, $10.99

Levy’s Real Jewish Rye Bread, 2-pack 16oz loaves for $4.89

Damascus Bakeries Brooklyn Bred All Natural Pizza Crust, $5.99

Diamond Crystal Pure & Natural Kosher Salt, $1.99 for a 3lb box

With their headquarters in the Canarsie neighborhood in Brooklyn, it is no wonder Costcos in the NYC area carry so many Beigel’s kosher baked goods including:

Challah loaves and rolls

Chocolate Babka
Cinnamon Apple Pinwheels
Assorted Cookies & Mini Cupcakes

Joey’s Fine Foods Mini Linzer Cookies and Black & Whites

Schick’s Gourmet Bakery Rainbow Bar Cookies

And last but not least, Purim had just ended when I was in NY and Costco still had trays full of yummy Rokeach Raspberry & Apricot Hamantashen!

Remember item availability & prices vary by location,
and to all of my Jewish friends and readers, Chag Kashruth Pesach!

Until next time,
the Costco Connoisseur


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